Kindergarten through 6th Grade | Childcare available for infants through 4 years of age
Sunday Children's Church | 9:00AM
Sunday School | 10:15AM
Sunday School | 10:15AM
Wednesdays | 6:30 - 8:00PM
King’s Kids Mission Statement
Keep the message of God’s love alive to the children of the community. Inspire children to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and become part of our church family. Nurture the child’s growth in his/her relationship with Jesus Christ and His word. Guide skill building through relevant biblical, positive role modeling and esteem building. Shape children to discover their uniqueness and eventually God’s mission for their lives.
Keep the message of God’s love alive to the children of the community. Inspire children to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and become part of our church family. Nurture the child’s growth in his/her relationship with Jesus Christ and His word. Guide skill building through relevant biblical, positive role modeling and esteem building. Shape children to discover their uniqueness and eventually God’s mission for their lives.
Volunteer Opportunities
For more information, contact Haley Hawkins
559.784.3305 or
To complete form, click here.
559.784.3305 or
To complete form, click here.