Pastor Mark Pitcher
Lead Pastor
Pastor Mark accepted the call to Port Naz in 2001 after a long tenure in Southern California. Born and raised in Ontario, CA, and having spent his entire life and career in the Southland, Mark, his wife Karen, and son Trevor, made the long haul up to God’s country. Although it was admittedly difficult leaving behind their daughter, Shannon, who has since added to their family a son-in-law and two grandchildren, Mark’s passion for Porterville and for making disciples in the southeastern Central Valley are infectious. A leadership guru, he is an avid reader and can be found reading at all hours of the day. Always on the go, however, he has been known to play a round of golf from time to time. He enjoys a good plate of Mexican food, and plays a mean trumpet, playing occasionally with our Praise Band and the Port Naz Brass. Mark truly lives out Philippians 2:5, his life verse, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…” (NIV).