Why We Give
We believe and practice the biblical example of living and giving generously.
Porterville Church of the Nazarene is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) Ministry.
Please consult a tax professional for specific guidance or with questions about your donations.
Porterville Church of the Nazarene is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) Ministry.
Please consult a tax professional for specific guidance or with questions about your donations.
How to Give Online
If this is your first time, you will need to create an account.
[first/last name, email address - create a password for online giving account]
To begin online giving -- enter the amount, choose the area of giving,
then the frequency and start date -- add to basket, continue to payment
and enter payment method.
[first/last name, email address - create a password for online giving account]
To begin online giving -- enter the amount, choose the area of giving,
then the frequency and start date -- add to basket, continue to payment
and enter payment method.